Designer lets you display more than one file at a time. You can also have more than one window containing the same document. Like other Windows applications that let you open multiple documents, you can select the Cascade and Tile commands in the Window menu to arrange multiple windows on your screen. The currently selected drawing window is the active window. The active window (with the title bar highlighted) receives the next action. Only one drawing window is active at a time.
You can resize a window manually and can maximize, restore, and minimize an open window by clicking the appropriate button at the top right of the window. After you minimize a window, you can select the Arrange Icons command in Designer's Window menu to automatically space the minimized document icons evenly on your screen.
To select objects on multiple layers prior to export, open the Layers dialog box, select Edit All Layers, close the dialog box, and then select the desired objects on the desired layers of the current page. |